Prank: Russian Guys Pretend to Masterbate on Chatroulette
Russians Guys Pretend To Masturbate On… by TheGnikL In a hilarious new prank. A pair of...
Metta World Peace to Change his Name to Panda Friend
The corky, off-centered, and very charismatic Bball player Metta World Peace formally known as Ron Artest...
A Guy Finds Every Name From Mambo No. 5 on Coke Bottles
Remember that ridiculously annoying yet catchy tune Mambo No. 5? In case you forgot here it...
Video Shows How Lack of Sleep Affects Your Face
The glorification of busy has reached an all time high. Everyone seems to be on “their...
Australians Band Together to Lift a Train off Trapped Man
http://youtu.be/0zSohwsuKIQ In a shocking new video, a man is walking onto the train when his leg...