Break Out Your Lawn Chairs, Northern Liberties is Hosting a Movie Night Featuring The Sandlot - Wooder Ice
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Break Out Your Lawn Chairs, Northern Liberties is Hosting a Movie Night Featuring The Sandlot

Local Scoop

Break Out Your Lawn Chairs, Northern Liberties is Hosting a Movie Night Featuring The Sandlot

Feature Image via 20th Century FOX

Break Out Your Lawn Chairs, Northern Liberties is Hosting a Movie Night Featuring The Sandlot

When it comes to baseball movies or just summertime movies in general, Sandlot is usually at the top of many folk’s lists. With so many catch phrases that get used to this day, it’s safe to say that this legend of a movie will never die. So to celebrate America’s past time and the nostalgia of playing outside with your closest friends, Northern Liberties Business Improvement District will be screening The Sandlot  on Thursday August 8th at 8 pm.

The screening will will be located at 2nd and Laurel St.and guests are encouraged to bring their own chairs, food, and drinks. However, there will be some complimentary light refreshments.

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