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Bistro Romano is Hosting a Wine Tasting Featuring 30 Wines From The Wine Spectator Award Winning List

bistro romano wine tasting

Local Scoop

Bistro Romano is Hosting a Wine Tasting Featuring 30 Wines From The Wine Spectator Award Winning List

Bistro Romano is Hosting a Wine Tasting Featuring 30 Wines From The Wine Spectator Award Winning List

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You won’t have to travel to a vineyard to enjoy an award winning wine tasting . Bistro Romano (120 Lombard St.) is hosting a wine tasting featuring 30 wines from the Wine Spectator Award Winning list.  The walkabout tasting is being held on Wednesday August 17th with two time slots, one from 5 – 6:30 pm and the other from 7-8:30 pm.

Guests will get to enjoy a variety of reds and whites and also get backstories from each wine from onsite wine experts. In addition to the wine, guests will also be served light bistro bites and be entertained by live music. This is definitely a great date night or a perfect night out with friends.  Tickets are $35 per person and each seating is capped at 35 guests so space is limited. Reservations are available here.

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