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Have an Aspiring Teenage Actor on Your Hands? The Arden Theatre Now Offers a Behind the Scenes Experience

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Have an Aspiring Teenage Actor on Your Hands? The Arden Theatre Now Offers a Behind the Scenes Experience

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As adolescents we all tended to dream big.  While the pressures of society tell us that being a doctor or lawyer is the trade of choice, many of us had every intention of more liberal professions such as becoming a painter, a poet, or an actor.  Now the Arden Theatre is hosting a series of behind the scene events that will not only fuel the dreams of aspiring Philly teens but to get up-close and personal with actors and producers.

Teen Arden which kicked-off this past September gives teens in grades 9th-12th a chance to attend the theatre’s current plays, pre-show party, as well as an exclusive post-show talkback with artists involved in the production for the budget friendly price of $10.  We’re sure even the skimpiest of allowances will make this experience possible.

This weekend Teen Arden will showcase Under the Skin on February 15th at 2 pm.  If your teen can’t make it no sweat there’s three more chances to take advantage of this awesome opportunity.  The remaining schedule is listed below.

Macbeth Sunday, March 22nd at 2pm

The Jungle Book Friday, May 1st at 7pm

PassionSunday, June 7th at 2pm

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