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Adventure Aquarium Welcomes a New Addition to the Little Blue Penguin Colony

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Adventure Aquarium Welcomes a New Addition to the Little Blue Penguin Colony

Adventure Aquarium Welcomes a New Addition to the Little Blue Penguin Colony

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Adventure Aquarium’s Little Blue Penguin parents, Sheila (#8) and Phillip (#5), are proud to announce the birth of their healthy new hatchling, weighing in at 43 grams. The bundle of joy (and fluffy feathers) will join the colony, which includes older sisters Fairy (#15) and Pixie (#16), on exhibit at Little Blue Beach starting in mid-April, where the hatchling will learn to swim, feed and thrive in their new home. The hatching of this new baby Blue marks one of many big birthdays to chirp about in 2022, including Adventure Aquarium’s year-long 30th birthday celebration.

Sheila and Phillip have yet to land on the perfect name for their new addition and will enlist the help of guests beginning in April as part of a special, month-long effort to honor and celebrate all things penguin.

“Guests are going to LOVE taking in the cuteness of the latest addition to our Little Blue colony and we hope that the hatching of our new chick will get visitors excited to learn more about what makes these clumsy, charming birds the crowd favorite we all know and love,” said Executive Director of Adventure Aquarium, Molly Deese.

Little Blue Penguins, which hail from the coasts of Australia and New Zealand, get their name from their plumage of slate-blue feathers and stature as the smallest penguin species.

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