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Adventure Aquarium Introduces New “Underwater” Virtual Reality Experience

Adventure Aquarium VR

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Adventure Aquarium Introduces New “Underwater” Virtual Reality Experience

Feature Image via Adventure Aquarium

Adventure Aquarium Introduces New “Underwater” Virtual Reality Experience

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Adventure Aquarium recently introduced a new virtual reality experience that feels so real you’ll have a hard time believing you’re not ACTAULLY exploring underwater with some of the ocean’s most impressive creatures. The Aquarium’s newest addition features six pods and a selection of themed shows, taking guests under the sea and up close to sharks, whales, squids, and even mermaids.

The installation of this new experience, makes Adventure Aquarium the first venue in New Jersey to feature virtual reality pods, which offer an immersive sit-in, kinetic experience. Tickets for the VR experience are $7 for general admission guests and $6 for Aquarium members – **only available for purchase in-person at Adventure Aquarium.

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