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8 Unique Adult Workshops in Philadelphia to Learn a New Skill in 2016

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8 Unique Adult Workshops in Philadelphia to Learn a New Skill in 2016

8 Unique Adult Workshops in Philadelphia to Learn a New Skill in 2016

Every year we start off telling lies to ourselves but to make us feel better we give it a cool nickname, “resolution.”  Usually it’s the run of the mill stuff like losing weight, getting more organized,  save more money “bettering yourself,” you get the point.  For those of you who actually follow through with your resolution, I applaud you, but the vast majority start off great but somewhere between the Super Bowl and Valentine’s Day we seem to trail off.  Maybe it’s the lack of discipline or the lack of interest in mundane resolution. I mean how often do we really step outside of our comfort zone and really try something new that challenges us?  Well if you were looking to try something out-of-the-box and develop a new skill this year, we scoured the internet in search of some of the most Unique Adult Workshops in Philadelphia to Learn a New Skill in 2016.  From butcher classes to


Discover the Lost Art of Being a Butcher

Kensington Quarters


Head Butcher, Heather Thomason will break down a side of one of our woodlot-raised pigs, demonstrating butchering techniques, various cuts and best cooking methods. Attendees will take home sample cuts of pork to cook and taste.

Build a Boat

Independence Seaport Museum


Photo Cred: James Yzkanin

Learn about boat building from the expert craftspeople at Independence Seaport Museum’s boat shop, Workshop on the Water. This series of hands-on classes leads participants through the design and construction process. In an apprentice-like setting, learn about plans, building the backbone, steaming frames, planking, spar-making and interior joinery.


Learn a New Language

International House


What better way to better your yourself than to learn a new language? There are a ton a great centers to learn a new language but for the variety of languages and price this is one of the best bangs for your buck. Classes & private tutoring are available for Farsi, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish & more!


Create Clay Masterpieces

Clay Studios

Photo credit: AnnaMaja42 / Foter / CC BY-NC

Photo credit: AnnaMaja42 / Foter / CC BY-NC

Not only is it therapeutic, but clay-making is a very usual skill to have. Create one-of-a-kind pieces for your home or as gifts.  Hey you may even get good enough to start your own little business on the side.


Learn How to Create Your Own Podcast

Scribe Video Center

Photo credit: brainblogger via / CC BY

It seems like everyone has a podcast but having a successful podcast takes work. Learn the basics of podcasting, today’s hottest and fastest growing broadcast medium. From concept to launch, workshop participants will learn how to develop their podcast ideas into fully-formed audio productions.


Develop Your Improv Skils

Northern Liberties Recreation Center

It may sound crazy but Improv is more than just comedy.  Improv classes have been known to improve social skills, professional skills (speaking, thinking on your feet), acting skills and most importantly you have fun!


Learn to Tango

Philadelphia Argentine Tango School


Yes Salsa is probably the first thing to come to most people’s minds when thinking of dance classes but try stepping out of your comfort zone.  Tango is an ultra classic and elegant dance that is not only a great skill to pick up but it’s also a workout on its own.


Try Your Hand at Screen Printing

The University of the Arts

Photo credit: BurnAway via / CC BY

Photo credit: BurnAway via / CC BY

If you’ve always been curious about the screen printing process, this beginner’s workshop provides an overview, with demos and a chance for you to try your hand at a pulling some prints using basic stencils. Inks and other materials provided.

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