6 Things You Can Do In Philly While on a Self Quarantine to Avoid The Coronavirus!
6 Things You Can Do In Philly While on a Self Quarantine to Avoid The Coronavirus!
So the Caronavirus is wreaking havoc on everyone’s social life. Events are being canceled, businesses are closing and the media is spreading paranoia. Well, if you’re looking to self quarantine for a while there’s a chance you may develop some cabin fever and get tired of binging on Netflix. So we put together a list of 6 things you can do in Philly while on a self quarantine to avoid the Coronavirus!
Discover a Podcast
I know you this may be the perfect time to run through your Netflix queue but try something new. Philly has a ton of great podcasts out there to be discovered. From topics such as business, to music to food and more you can learn so much and support Philly talent at the same time. If you need a little direction, Wooder Ice Radio has several great shows on all major streaming platforms to check out (shameless plug). So why not kill some downtime or tune in while you workout from home.
Discover Hiking Trails
You may want to skip the gym for a little and do your own thing in isolation. Luckily Philly has great options when it comes to hiking and running trials. If you’re a novice and not sure where to go, here’s a list of our Top 5 Running Trails in Philly to get you started. You’ll be able to get fit and avoid direct contact with folks. Plus you’ll get to enjoy some of Philly’s best scenery.
Grow Some Veggies
If you have some outdoor space fantastic, if not you can still make this happen. With folks playing Supermarket Sweep and wiping out food supplies why not start growing your own stuff? Develop a green thumb. Purchase some seeds, pots and dirt if need be and get to work. Not only will you create a new hobby for yourself but you can literally enjoy the fruits or veggies of your labor.
Support Your Local Stores
Target, Walmart, Costcos, these big box stores are great but in a times like these why fight crowds when you can hit up your local neighborhood stores for supplies. Not only will your discover a stocked shelf of toilet paper but other necessities you’ll need as well. So if you’re going to stock up, shop local small businesses.
Take a Drive and Go on a Mural Tour
With so many public spaces shutting down, you may have to improvise a bit. Perhaps you would like to visit the Art Museum but want to avoid crowds, why not go on a mural tour? Philly has the most murals of any city in the world and they keep being added regularly. Discover talent and perhaps create some IG moments. There are tons of murals in the city that you haven’t laid eyes on yet. Take a little cruise and check them out!
Learn How to Brew Your Own Beer
So the thought of a bar or pub still doesn’t sit well with you. You want to have a brewski but you also want to keep your lungs intact. Well, Philly has an assortment of places that sell home brewing kits. Yea, you can just purchase a 6-pack but where’s the fun in that? Develop a skill that will benefit you a lifetime and save you tons of money. Hey, you never know you may brew something so good you’ll become the next Yard’s.